Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Book Bucket List...

My Book Bucket list...

The Secret Garden

The Amber Spyglass


The War of the Worlds

The Gift of the Magi


Lord of the Flies


The Wonderful Wizrd of Oz

Slaughter House Five


Gone With The Wind

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Tess of the Durbervilles

A Christmas Carol

Just Listen

Alice in Wonderland



The Scarlett Letter

The Wind in the Willows

Book Bucket List Challenge....

So, today I was checking to see if there were any new reviews because I haven't been on the site for awhile and while I was scrolling down the page I saw an article for their book bucket list challenge.

I had to read the article because I had never heard of a book bucketlist before and i'm glad I did.

Yareads started a challenge this year to get their readers to read the books they've always wanted to read but haven't got around to.

The challange is to make a list of books you've always wanted to read but haven't, read them, then review them and link yareads to the reviews.

So I have decided to join this challenge to encourage myself to read the books that are on my to read that I normally would never get around to.

I hope you all join this chllenge too.